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    Personal Training

    CrossFit Kids/Teens


    Meet Our Expert Coaches

    CrossFit Level 3 & Level 4 Certified Coaches

    Personal Training Near Me In Georgetown, Texas


    • Certified Level 4 CrossFit Coach (CF-L4)
    • CrossFit Seminar Staff
    • CrossFit Kids Trainer
    • CrossFit Adaptive Trainer
    • NCI Level 1 Nutrition Coach

    CrossFit In Georgetown, Texas


    • Certified CrossFit Level 3 Trainer (CF-L3)
    • CrossFit Kids Trainer
    • CrossFit Weightlifting

    What do people say about us?

    • Stopped into Bar10 while I was visiting my brother in Georgetown and it was so great! Connor is awesome and was very accommodating when it came to open gym and getting my training done!

      I would recommend this gym to anyone moving to the area, driving through, or just visiting for a few days!

      Anna Nalker
    • Connor takes ot to a whole new level. It is constant, deliberate, and varied movements that not only help with workouts but in every day life! Bar10 cares about proper form so that we can make it back the next day…and the next!

      Jennifer Hewitt Lyons
    • I look forward to going every morning and getting my days started with a workout. I take this very seriously l started on a diet with Connor and I have noticed a huge difference in how much energy I have throughout the day. I would recommend Bar 10 to anyone looking to changing their lifestyle.

      Greg Hollis
    • Connor is a fabulous coach both for out of shape older women, me, and those who want to compete at CrossFit. When he starts to add in teen programs sign your kids up ASAP. A huge loss to our gym here in Boulder

      Margaret Graham


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    Google Map

    Call us: 409-550-6530

    6517 N Lakewood Dr, Georgetown, TX 78633